
struct Spacers : Codable, Equatable

A struct embedded inside a FormattingManagerService struct used as a nested layer within a model used to decode Formatting JSON data.

The struct models the JSON object mapped to the spacers key in the Formatting JSON data.

The parameters key integer values are used to add additional custom spacers at specific locations within each message printed to the console. A single integer represents one character of empty space in the console.


Use of the custom spacers is discretionary and not necessary for formatting print messages.
  • kA

    An Int mapped to the spacer1 key in the Formatting JSON data.

    Spacer1 is positioned before the entity code in the message line. Its value is reflected by all other lines printed simultaneously with the message (such as the effect description and values).



    let kA: Int
  • kB

    An Int mapped to the spacer2 key in the Formatting JSON data.

    Spacer2 is positioned between the function symbol group and the function number in the message line. Its value is reflected by all other lines printed simultaneously with the message (such as the effect description and values).



    let kB: Int
  • kC

    An Int mapped to the spacer3 key in the Formatting JSON data.

    Spacer3 is positioned between the function number and the node symbol group in the message line. Its value is reflected by all other lines printed simultaneously with the message (such as the effect description and values).



    let kC: Int
  • kD

    An Int mapped to the spacer4 key in the Formatting JSON data.

    Spacer4 is positioned between the node symbol group and the outcome symbol in the message line. Its value is reflected by all other lines printed simultaneously with the message (such as the effect description and values).


    Spacer4 is not used by messages printed when the key displayNodeSequenceWithoutDescriptions value is true in the Settings JSON.



    let kD: Int
  • An enum that conforms to the CodingKey protocol for storing the key strings used to decode kDOb from the JSON data.

    See more



    enum CodingKeys : String, CodingKey